As this blog is a place of not just my drawing but my writing and love for film, I'm going to elaborate a little bit on my reviews I've been doing on Twitter and talk a little about them on my blog too... So, today I will now be talking about two things that I've got into recently; firstly I shall talk about what everyone's talking about: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. I saw the Hobbit on Friday, in 2D (though I will see it again in 3d/48 fps) and I really enjoyed myself. It was a very merry jaunt into middle earth if ever there was one. I did have two problems with the film, and honestly, they're rather small and don't change my thoughts or emotions about the film. The length. It's pretty long at 2 hours 50 miniutes and it does seem slow at times because of this... However, everything that was included was needed. I do mean everything too. I can't think of anything that doesn't keep you interested or tells you information that you as an...