Thoughts on: The Hobbit & Last Tango In Halifax
As this blog is a place of not just my drawing but my writing and love for film, I'm going to elaborate a little bit on my reviews I've been doing on Twitter and talk a little about them on my blog too...
So, today I will now be talking about two things that I've got into recently; firstly I shall talk about what everyone's talking about: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.

I saw the Hobbit on Friday, in 2D (though I will see it again in 3d/48 fps) and I really enjoyed myself. It was a very merry jaunt into middle earth if ever there was one.
I did have two problems with the film, and honestly, they're rather small and don't change my thoughts or emotions about the film.
The length. It's pretty long at 2 hours 50 miniutes and it does seem slow at times because of this... However, everything that was included was needed. I do mean everything too. I can't think of anything that doesn't keep you interested or tells you information that you as an audience feel you need to know, which comes to my second problem...but does contain spoilers!
The beginning: Now, some people may disagree with me, but I didn't have a problem with Biblo re accounting that he is the writer of the Hobbit - that he went on his journey with the dwarfs. However, I felt the sequence after the introduction to Erebor (I'm afraid my spelling of Tolkein language may not go down very well) that Bilbo being introduced again and Frodo's cameo wasn't warrented, it would of been much better in my opinion to go straight into Martin Freeman's Bilbo from that point. It would of quickened the pace we'd of moved in quicker. It was about 10 minuites of film you didn't need.
Okay, now, with that out of the way, I'll give a non spoiler review on the film. The story is good, if predictable in places - because as a prequel you can't do that (and a much beloved book). However, that didn't take the fun out of it for me. The characters are what make this film for me, I'm definately a character person so to see the company of 14 was fantastic. All of them seem individual and I'm sure with three films it'll be even easier to get to know them. We fell in love with the fellowship easily enough. I don't really want to say much more, I don't feel I need to. I just want to let you know that it is worth seeing, that it is reunion to feelings we had for Lord of the Rings eleven years ago.
So I give the hobbit a 7/10
And with that done, I will go on to my new obession, not as well known as the Hobbit - but I swear is a beautiful thing to behold.
BBC Series: Last Tango in Halifax

I went home last week to spend some time with my mum and dad and mum got me watching this new series. It's synopsis is beautifully simple: two widowers who lived the next street from each other in their teens are reunited through facebook and decide on their first day of reunion to get married. Havoc in sues with their familes, who both have very different lives.
The story is as I said, beautiful and simple and the characters are honest and true, and I can't predict it which is the beauty of it. To all my american friends, and those who've missed it so far, I highly recommend this series.
And on that note, I've drawn the two main characters. Alan and Celia:
So, today I will now be talking about two things that I've got into recently; firstly I shall talk about what everyone's talking about: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.
I saw the Hobbit on Friday, in 2D (though I will see it again in 3d/48 fps) and I really enjoyed myself. It was a very merry jaunt into middle earth if ever there was one.
I did have two problems with the film, and honestly, they're rather small and don't change my thoughts or emotions about the film.
The length. It's pretty long at 2 hours 50 miniutes and it does seem slow at times because of this... However, everything that was included was needed. I do mean everything too. I can't think of anything that doesn't keep you interested or tells you information that you as an audience feel you need to know, which comes to my second problem...but does contain spoilers!
The beginning: Now, some people may disagree with me, but I didn't have a problem with Biblo re accounting that he is the writer of the Hobbit - that he went on his journey with the dwarfs. However, I felt the sequence after the introduction to Erebor (I'm afraid my spelling of Tolkein language may not go down very well) that Bilbo being introduced again and Frodo's cameo wasn't warrented, it would of been much better in my opinion to go straight into Martin Freeman's Bilbo from that point. It would of quickened the pace we'd of moved in quicker. It was about 10 minuites of film you didn't need.
Okay, now, with that out of the way, I'll give a non spoiler review on the film. The story is good, if predictable in places - because as a prequel you can't do that (and a much beloved book). However, that didn't take the fun out of it for me. The characters are what make this film for me, I'm definately a character person so to see the company of 14 was fantastic. All of them seem individual and I'm sure with three films it'll be even easier to get to know them. We fell in love with the fellowship easily enough. I don't really want to say much more, I don't feel I need to. I just want to let you know that it is worth seeing, that it is reunion to feelings we had for Lord of the Rings eleven years ago.
So I give the hobbit a 7/10
And with that done, I will go on to my new obession, not as well known as the Hobbit - but I swear is a beautiful thing to behold.
BBC Series: Last Tango in Halifax
I went home last week to spend some time with my mum and dad and mum got me watching this new series. It's synopsis is beautifully simple: two widowers who lived the next street from each other in their teens are reunited through facebook and decide on their first day of reunion to get married. Havoc in sues with their familes, who both have very different lives.
The story is as I said, beautiful and simple and the characters are honest and true, and I can't predict it which is the beauty of it. To all my american friends, and those who've missed it so far, I highly recommend this series.
And on that note, I've drawn the two main characters. Alan and Celia:

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